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ChatPDF: AI Powered tool to Chat with PDF

ChatPDF is an AI-powered tool that let you chat with PDF documents to extract valuable information and insights.

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Chat Babu Babupedia

Chat with Documents of Various Formats

PDF File

DOC File

TXT File


Excel File

Excel File


Ask Anything from Your Document: Get Instant Answers!

Introducing AI ChatPDF, an AI-based tool to extract valuable information from your document. With Paraphrasingtool.ai’s ChatPDF, you can effortlessly find instant answers to your questions within the document. Say No to manual search and sifting through countless pages. Just type your question and our ChatPDF will find the answer!



Features of our AI ChatPDF

Are you looking for an answer in a book, research paper, newspaper, textbooks, or in any other document? The AI ChatPDF by paraphrasingtool.ai can let you find answers immediately.

Easy Navigation

Multiple File Format Supported

Multiple File Format Supported

AI Chat functionality

Use Cases

Everything you can do with ChatPDF


ChatPDF can help students with finding valuable information from research references, note-taking, collaboration, study materials, and text books.


Researchers can use ChatPDF to analyze research papers, find answers to questions, and also it can help with citations.


This tool is helpful for work when analyzing and finding data from financial reports, project reports, and Manuals.

Book/Novel Reading

Get immersive reading experience with ChatPDF when reading a Novel or a Book. You can use this AI Tool to get answer to any question.


This tool helps in Fact-checking within your document. If you want find any reference or facts in your document then upload the document and ask question to ChatPDF.