Punctuation Checker

At the start of school Dora was afrad of her new Teacher. Mrs. Davis seamed nice, but she had so manny rules for the class to folow. Scare someone to pieces. As the school year cotinued, Dora begun to understan how the Teacher come up with the rules The rules were their so students would be respecful of theyselves and each other. By the end of the year, Dora though Mrs. Davis was the best Teacher she evere had!
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Make your writing look polished and professional with the help of our free punctuation checker. 

Why Punctuation Matters?

Imagine sending out an invitation that says, “Party at Lisa’s Wear bringing snacks.” Oops! Without correct punctuation, your message is confusing. 

But do not worry! A punctuation checker steps in and fixes it: “Party at Lisa’s! We’re bringing snacks.” Now your invitation sounds exciting and well-organized. 

Fix Punctuation in 3-Steps!

Accurate text with correct punctuation is just a few clicks away with this punctuation checker and corrector. 

Step 1: Paste the text into the text box that needs correction. 

Step 2: Click on “Punctuation Checker’ and it will highlight the missed or incorrect punctuation in the text.

Step 3: Click on each highlighted word and replace it with the correction. 

Why Use Our Punctuation Checker?

Free Punctuation Checker: You can use a punctuation checker online for free! Whether you’re writing an essay for school, an email to your boss, or a story for fun, this punctuation corrector ensures your punctuation is spot-on. 

Swift Correction: The tool can correct your punctuation in a matter of a few seconds. Therefore, no need to waste time manually proofreading your text. This punctuation fixer can save you precious hours. 

Fluency in Text: By accurately placing commas and full stops, it gives your words the right rhythm and meaning, making your writing clear and easy to understand.